Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paper Reading #7

Comment #1
Comment #2
Title: Public Issues on Projected User Interface
Authors: Ju-Chun Ko, Li-Wei Chan, Yi-Ping Hung
Venue: CHI 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
This article discusses the growing technology of pocket projectors and how they would function in a public environment. The article brings up many issues with Projection User Interfaces, or what they refer to as PUIs, and their use in public. For instance, what happens if a person wants to keep whatever they are projecting private? Or how about if they're projecting obscene materials or overlapping another person's projection? Lastly, the issue of projecting an image into another person's eye is large as well.

The article proposes several ideas for how they can help overcome these obstacles. For instance, have a projection auto-resize or auto-move if there are other projections nearby. Also they discussed privacy film for projections, so only people at certain angles could see the image. With or without problems, this article expects PUI devices to invade our daily lives in the near future.
I thought this article was funny. For starters, why are all the PUI devices portrayed as necklaces? Why would people be carrying projection devices around their necks? Also, I don't see any way that a projection will auto-size or auto-move. What happens if there's just extra light coming through rather than another projection? I'm having a hard time buying anything that this article is selling. I don't think personal projection devices will ever become that popular. They're just too limited in their uses to invest in one.

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