Monday, April 25, 2011

Book Reading #52 - Living With Complexity

Chapter 3: How Simple Things Can Complicate Our Mind
Simple things aren't always so simple. When multiple simple things are combined, like passwords for several different things, the task suddenly becomes very complex. The solution is to put the information in the world rather than in our heads. 
Chapter 4: Social Signifiers 
Different signals mean different things to different cultures. Designs should be made to reduce the impact of these social differences, such as adding an S or P to salt and pepper shakers. Social signifiers are what allow people to "follow the crowd" so they know what is the proper action to take.

I thought it was hilarious when Norman said his own university thinks he's a crackpot. Best part of the chapter (and book overall) by far. I must admit that the third chapter was a little better because Norman used more interesting examples. The fourth chapter was pretty awful. Social signifiers are important, but very boring to read about. I think one could easily say that experience is what determines the significance/meaning of the signifiers anyways.

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