Thursday, April 21, 2011

Media Equation

These three papers delved into the notion of treating computers as humans, thus complicating the notion of "human-computer" interaction. When computers were polite or helpful, users tried to reciprocate. In a sense, they tried to treat the computer how the computer treated them. This is a very human-human notion, and the fact that the users extended this to computers is surprising. Furthermore, the users all stated after the experiments that computers did not deserve the same treatment as people because they are not human or even living. Additionally, when computers demonstrated personality traits similar to those of the user, the user generally favored that computer and had better experiences with it. In a sense, users wanted computers not only with personalities, but with personalities that they considered likable.
I actually liked these readings. They were a bit long and drug on a bit, but nonetheless I found the material and topic to be very interesting. I never considered how humans treat computers with the same social norms that we treat other humans. I also never considered a computer that actually had a personality. I think this brings a whole new aspect to "human-computer" interaction for me. Not only should I make a good system, but I should make one that is likable and treats the user well. If I do this, then I'm more likely to have positive reviews and feedback. I would never have expected the users in these studies to act the way they did. Overall I'd say this was a must-read for this class and very interesting.

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