Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Book Reading #35 - Obedience to Authority

Chapter 1 - 8:
This section describes the various experiment methods that Milgram performed, seventeen in all. Subjects responded to authority at an alarming rate, but when the authority was removed their obedience also left. Men and women were not sufficiently different in their obedience rates. Also Milgram believes the fact that their experiment was conducted at Yale had effects on the legitimacy of the experimenter, and backed that notion up when he moved the experiment to a warehouse and produced less obedient results. Milgram also gives dialog accounts of some of the experiments performed, or summarizes them.
This was not a quick read at all. While mildly entertaining at times, this was simply too long of a read. In my book it was 112 pages. I enjoyed reading some of the personal accounts, but some weren't very good. I was surprised at how many different variations he performed, as Lauren Slater did not depict his experiments anything like how Milgram did.

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