Thursday, March 24, 2011

Book Reading #38 - Coming of Age in Samoa

Chapter 13: Our Educational Problems in the Light of Samoan 
This chapter is all about comparing American and Samoan societies and what could cause the differences in the upbringing. Samoans simply have less choices or thus potential for conflict, whether it relate to religion or the diversity of her family or the family influences on life choices. The treatment of sex is the largest rift between the two cultures, and the author talks at great lengths about the issue. Finally the author at the end compares the (formal) educational differences, and how American children have much different views of work, school, and play.

I think the author is being pretty harsh in this chapter. It seems like she is highly criticizing the American society, while in fact that society, although flawed, put us at the top of the world powers. Perhaps I just have the luxury of hindsight though. Also I think it's obvious the author has a very negative view of religion, which I strongly disagree with and made me want to stop reading as she continually bashed religion.

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