Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ethnography Results, Week 7

Wesley and I could not go last night (Wednesday), which is our usual night to go, because of scheduling conflicts. As a result, we're going Sunday and then again next Wednesday.

Wesley and I went to poetry slam night last night (Sunday). It was a similar atmosphere as the previous Wednesday, but there were even more people there this time. Obviously poetry slam is incredibly popular. I must admit, I thought this was much more fun. The types of people were about the same as Open Mic night. There were a few people from Austin as well, and they fit right in, just to give an idea of the types of people there. Also, one of the performers was a guy I grew up with since I was little. It was funny seeing him perform. He was a guy who, quite simply, was an "easy target" because he didn't know how to stand up for himself. He got "messed with" his whole life, but nothing serious like fights or anything like that. Just simple teasing or pranks. Most, if not all, of the poetry was religiously or parentally charged. People complained or discussed issues with a rough childhood or controversial religious issues. The one exception was a woman who talked about the conflicts of being a stripper and being used sexually. These things, combined with my previous knowledge of my poet friend, causes me to believe that the crowd that attends these things fall into these categories. I understand how having a hard childhood could cause internal conflict that people need to release or express in some way. It seems to me that these people all have some tragedy or strife that causes them to turn to poetry. Overall, I had a good time. It's much more fun when there are more people there.

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