Thursday, March 31, 2011

Book Reading #42 - Coming of Age in Samoa

Appendix III: Samoan Civilization as It Is Today
Many subtle Western tools and ideals have been acculturated into the Samoan lifestyle. Knifes, tobacco, and mosquito nets are now used, while large canoes have been replaced by smaller ones. The government does not interfere with their lifestyle. Punishment has changed a lot, and the emphasis on puberty has wained. 

I thought it was interesting that some of the same ideals are still present. For example, they still do not use furniture and must not address another while standing. However, the do use mosquito nets and other items, even if they prefer the older ways in some cases. I think it's a good thing that people have not tried to change their lifestyle too much, and rather have let them choose how they want to live. 

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