Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Book Reading #41 - Why We Make Mistakes

Chapter 2: We All Search for Meaning
People generally don't remember names because of the lack of meaning. However, people do remember faces. There have been over 200 convicted criminals released because they were found innocent by DNA evidence, and 77% of them were identified by the eyewitnesses.

I liked this chapter again. I like that the author does not speak in technical terms, but also uses a lot of statistics. I found that a lot of the stats he used in this chapter have applied to me in the past. I thought it was just something that applied to me, but apparently is very common.
Chapter 3: We Connect the Dots
Humans can make decisions based on things we do not notice or see. For example, strippers earn more according to where they are in their fertility cycle. Also colors, such as black, have an impact on how we make a decision. Finally people generally believe that one should not change answers on a test from the first answer, even though this is proven to be incorrect, and additionally people regret changing these answers more so than not changing them.
Again I found this chapter to hit home, so to speak. I always regret changing an answer more so than not changing an answer. I found the part about the strippers to be very astonishing because I would think that would be the last thing to affect their pay.

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